How to tell food gelatin from industrial gelatin?
Created date: 2024-08-21
Position: HOME - News

Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

Add:shaoling, Luohe, Henan,China

Mob/WhatsApp/Wechat:   +8617837058581



In our daily lives, gelatin is commonly used as a food additive in the production of items such as jelly, candy, and dairy products. It serves to increase the stability of food and improve its taste. However, there is growing concern among consumers about the safety of gelatin in food due to potential health risks associated with the illegal use of industrial gelatin.


To understand this issue better, it's important to distinguish between edible gelatin and industrial gelatin. Edible gelatin is collagen extracted from raw materials like fresh animal skin and bones. After undergoing strict processing and purification, it becomes a safe food-grade product. On the other hand, industrial gelatin is typically derived from waste produced by the tanning industry. It contains higher concentrations of heavy metals and other harmful substances, making it unsuitable for consumption.


There are ways to differentiate between these two types of gelatin. Edible gelatin usually appears as a clear or translucent solid that is colorless or slightly yellowish. If you notice an unnaturally bright color or impurities in your gelatin, it may be an indication that it's industrial grade rather than suitable for consumption. Additionally, edible gelatin has good elasticity and stickiness whereas industrial grade can be brittle when touched or stretched.


When purchasing products containing gelatins made by reputable manufacturers will provide detailed ingredient lists and usage descriptions on their packaging labels; if this information isn't transparent or seems vague then consumers should exercise caution when using these products.

The most accurate way to identify whether a product contains edible or industrial grade gelatin would be through scientific testing conducted in laboratories which primarily detect heavy metal content within geltain - especially chromium content - ensuring that any heavy metal content meets national food safety standards.


Finally, it is advisable to choose well-known brands and products that have been certified for food safety. These products tend to have stricter quality control and more transparent production processes. It's important to read food labels carefully in order to understand the use of food additives. Legitimate food manufacturers are required to clearly indicate the use of food additives on the product label.


The identification of edible gelatin and industrial gelatin requires a comprehensive application of observation, detection, and information inquiry. As consumers, we should raise our awareness of food safety, buy food through formal channels, and pay attention to food ingredients and manufacturer information. At the same time, it is essential for the government and relevant departments to strengthen supervision in order to ensure that the food sold in the market is safe and compliant with edible gelatin standards. Only in this way can we protect the health and safety of ourselves and our families.


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