How is gelatin stored
Created date: 2024-08-20
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Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

Add:shaoling, Luohe, Henan,China

Mob/WhatsApp/Wechat:   +8617837058581



Gelatin, a widely used protein of animal origin, plays an important role in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries due to its unique physical and chemical properties. However, proper storage methods are crucial to maintaining the quality and properties of gelatin.


First of all, it is essential to ensure that the environment where gelatin is stored is dry. Moisture can cause the gelatin to clump and even mold. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a well-ventilated warehouse and use dehumidification equipment to control humidity.

High temperatures may accelerate the degradation of gelatin, so ideally, gelatin should be stored in an environment below 35°C. Refrigeration or cryopreservation can further extend the shelf life of gelatin. Ultraviolet light from sunlight accelerates the oxidation process of proteins in gelatin, leading to reduced performance. Therefore, it's best for gelatin to be stored out of light or in a dark place.


Secondly, in order to prevent moisture and microbial contamination in the air after opening the package seal it properly using ziplock bags or special containers for additional protection. Gelatin should be stored in a clean non-polluting container made from materials that do not react chemically with gelatin such as food-grade plastic or glass containers. To ensure that only fresh gelatin is used adopt first-in-first-out storage management principle ensuring that you use up what was purchased first.


Finally periodically check on your stock condition including temperature fluctuations or increases in humidity which could affect quality record any changes observed each storage container should be clearly labeled with information such as product name batch production date expiration date for easy management tracking purposes avoid storing getalin with organic solvents other chemicals cross-contamination prevention measures must also be taken into account.


By adhering to the aforementioned storage guidelines, gelatin can be maintained at its maximum stability and functionality, ensuring its effectiveness and safety in various applications. Proper storage not only guarantees product quality but also reflects our commitment to consumer health and safety. Thank you for your attention to these important considerations.


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