Briefly describe the five functions of food gelatin
Created date: 2024-07-18
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Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

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Food gelatin is a type of colloidal protein derived from animal skin, bone, muscle membrane and other connective tissues. It is widely used in the food industry and in everyday chemical products. It not only enhances the taste and texture of food, but also has various practical functions.


Food packaging material


Due to its biodegradable and environmentally friendly properties, gelatin film has gradually become the preferred material for food packaging. Its advantages of low price, good cohesion, antibacterial and antioxidant properties make it excellent for food preservation. Although gelatin films have relatively poor water resistance and mechanical properties, these can be significantly improved by adding active ingredients and combining with biopolymers to achieve an ideal preservation effect.


The manufacture of sweets and gums


Gelatin plays an important role in the production of confectionery, especially cream candies, meringues, marshmallows and fruit gums. By absorbing water and forming a supporting framework, it allows the confection to maintain a stable shape and soft texture. The amount of gelatin added to confectionery is typically between 5% and 10%, with varying effects depending on the type of confectionery. For example, in crystal flower jelly, the best effect is achieved by using 6% gelatin.


An improve for frozen foods


In frozen foods, gelatin acts as a gelling agent with a low melting point that dissolves easily in hot water.It is often used in the production of meal jelly and food jelly to help maintain their shape and prevent crystallisation in hot syrup, ensuring consistency in taste and appearance.Gelatin is also used in ice cream to maintain its fine texture and reduce the melting rate by preventing ice crystals from forming.


An enhancer for meat products


The use of gelatin in meat products can greatly improve the taste and texture. It is commonly added to wild game, meat jelly, canned ham, and other products as a gelling agent, which not only increases the yield but also enhances the overall quality of the product. Additionally, gelatin acts as an emulsifier to help blend the fat in bolognese and cream soups, preserving the original character of the product.


Clarifying agent for beverages


Gelatin serves as a clarifying agent in beverage production, particularly in beer, fruit wine, dew wine, fruit juice, and other products. Its mechanism of action involves forming flocculent precipitation with tannin to adsorb turbidity and improve clarity through condensation, agglomeration, and co-sedimentation. The amount of gelatin added varies depending on the beverage; for example 2% to 3% is typically used in fruit drinks.


These functions of food gelatin not only enhance food quality and flavor but also bring innovation and possibilities to the food industry. With advancing technology and increasing consumer concern for health and environmental protection,the application prospects for food gelatin will continue to expand.


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