How is gelatin used as a surface coating agent for cooked meat
Created date: 2024-07-15
Position: HOME - Industry News

Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

Add:shaoling, Luohe, Henan,China

Mob/WhatsApp/Wechat:   +8617837058581



Cooked meat products are popular with consumers for their great taste and convenience. However, keeping them fresh and extending their shelf life is a challenge for manufacturers. Gelatin, as a multifunctional food additive, can play a key role in meeting this challenge. Not only is gelatin widely used in various aspects of food processing, but it also serves as an effective surface coating for cooked meat.


Basic properties of gelatin


Gelatin is derived from animal collagen by partial hydrolysis and is known for its excellent properties such as the ability to form a reversible gel, good adhesion and surface activity. These properties make gelatin ideal for use as a peptone, emulsifier, stabiliser, binder and clarifying agent in the food industry.


The role of gelatin as a surface coating for cooked meat


Firstly, the application of a gelatin coating effectively reduces the loss of moisture in cooked meat during storage, thereby preserving its succulence. The protective barrier formed by the gelatin coating also minimises contact with oxygen from the air, helping to delay oxidation reactions and maintain the fresh colour of meat products. It also acts to some extent as a barrier against micro-organisms, reducing spoilage and deterioration of cooked meat products. Finally, the use of gelatin coatings helps to maintain the structure and appearance of cooked meat products throughout the processing and marketing stages. Ultimately, this enhances both visual appeal and sensory experience while increasing consumer satisfaction.


As a natural and versatile food additive with significant benefits in enhancing quality attributes while extending shelf life, it's clear that gelatin has the potential to reduce food loss in this sector.


With increasing consumer demands for food safety and quality standards, we anticipate wider adoption and use of gelatin coating technology within the meat processing sector.


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