Multifunctional applications of gelatin
Created date: 2024-07-22
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Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

Add:shaoling, Luohe, Henan,China

Mob/WhatsApp/Wechat:   +8617837058581



Gelatin is an essential ingredient in the food industry. With its unique physical and chemical properties, it is an important guarantor of the texture, flavour and stability of food products. However, the mystery of gelatin is often overlooked.


 Origin and nature of gelatin


Gelatin is a substance derived from the hydrolysis of collagen in connective tissues such as skin, bones, tendons and sinews of animals. It is a pure protein, free of fat and cholesterol, and is easily absorbed by the body. The physical properties of gelatin appear as white or light yellow-brown, translucent, slightly shiny, brittle flakes or powder, almost odourless and tasteless. It does not dissolve in cold water, but can absorb 5 times the amount of cold water and swell and soften, dissolve in hot water and form a gel after cooling.


 Use of gelatin in the food industry


Gelatin is widely used as a thickener and additive in the food industry, such as in jelly, ice cream, yoghurt and other products. It improves the texture and flavour of food products. Gelatin is used as a clarifying agent in beverages such as beer, fruit wines, fruit juices, etc. It removes cloudiness by forming flocculent precipitates with tannins. Gelatin is used in the production of sweets such as lactose, meringue, marshmallow, etc. Its function is to absorb water and support the skeleton to keep the confection in a stable form. In frozen food, gelatin can be used as a jellying agent, commonly used in the production of meal jelly, cereal jelly. Gelatin is used as a gelling agent and emulsifier in meat products to improve the yield and quality of the product.


In addition to its use in the food industry, gelatin also has important medical applications. For example:


Gelatine is widely used to make the shells of hard and soft gelatin capsules, effectively protecting the capsule contents from light, atmospheric oxygen, contamination and microbial growth. Gelatin can be used as a binder or coating for tablets to protect the active pharmaceutical ingredient from the effects of oxygen and light. Coating particles or droplets with gelatin shells to form microcapsules prevents the particles from being degraded by oxygen or light, masks their taste and odour, and controls their release rate. Gelatin has excellent cytocompatibility and minimal immunogenicity, making it suitable for medical applications such as haemostatic sponges and ostomy dressings. After modification, gelatin can be used as a plasma substitute in clinical applications, mainly for blood volume replenishment in surgical trauma and hypovolemic shock. Gelatin is widely used in tissue engineering and drug delivery systems due to its biocompatibility and degradability.


As a multifunctional natural polymer material, gelatin has a wide range of applications, but consumers should be cautious when choosing food products, paying attention to their nutritional value and safety. By better understanding the secrets of gelatin, we can better utilise this invisible guardian to ensure food quality and safety.


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