Why is gelatin a "must have" for the pharmaceutical industry?
Created date: 2024-06-07
Position: HOME - Industry News

Wulong Gelatin CO., LTD

Add:shaoling, Luohe, Henan,China

Mob/WhatsApp/Wechat:   +8617837058581



In the pharmaceutical industry, gelatin is an incredibly important raw material that plays a crucial role in the manufacturing, storage, and distribution of medicines. Gelatin, a protein extracted from animal skin, bone, and connective tissue, is widely utilized in various pharmaceutical preparations due to its unique physical and chemical properties. There are several reasons why gelatin is indispensable in the pharmaceutical industry:


Firstly, it serves as the main ingredient in capsules. Gelatin is most commonly known for being the primary component of capsules. Capsules are a popular form of pharmaceutical preparation that not only protect the drug from stomach acid but also control the rate at which the drug is released. Gelatin capsules are easy to swallow and can help mask any unpleasant taste of the drug while improving patient compliance with medication. Additionally, gelatin has excellent stability and can be compatible with a variety of pharmaceutical ingredients without altering their chemical properties. The addition of gelatin to pharmaceutical preparations can enhance drug stability and extend their expiration date.


Secondly, it contributes to slow release and controlled release systems. Gelatin can be used to prepare both sustained-release and controlled-release pharmaceutical preparations by adjusting its concentration and formulation to control the rate at which drugs are released within the body—thereby achieving a sustained effect. Furthermore, gelatin acts as a protective layer against physical and chemical damage during storage and transportation; for example, a gelatin coating protects a drug tablet from moisture by keeping it dry and stable."


Finally, it is important to consider increasing the plasticity of the drug. In some pharmaceutical preparations, gelatin can enhance the plasticity of the drug, making it easier to process into the desired shape and size. This is particularly crucial for creating pills or pellets with specific shapes. Additionally, gelatin can serve as a carrier for drugs, aiding in their distribution and absorption within the body. For instance, in oral medications, gelatin can facilitate the dissolution and absorption of the drug in the intestine, ultimately improving its bioavailability. Furthermore, due to its ability to easily dissolve in the body, gelatin capsules allow for quicker release and absorption of drugs, thereby enhancing their efficacy.


In conclusion,

Given its versatility and compatibility with drugs, gelatin has become an essential component in the pharmaceutical industry. From manufacturing capsules to stabilizing drugs and developing sustained-release and controlled-release formulations, gelatin plays a vital role in ensuring that drugs are safe, effective and user-friendly. As pharmaceutical technology continues to advance, we anticipate that both the application scope and importance of gelatin will continue to grow.


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